Chrome Dome
There were no other humans
on the basement level
[There were none on any of the levels]
On crossing it's center
a primal radical triggered emotive lacrimation
[Shedding of tears arousing intense feeling]
This radical was charged with annihilation coding
originating beyond the concious or unconcious
It is latent neonate survival coding
The emotive lacrimation amplified
After sealing access to the basement level
empirical investigation was consented
The larynx was sanctioned for sound emission
increasing rapidly in volume and wave frequency
to a state of sobbing at 40% titration
Connect with inherent annihilation heightened
body biochemistry appreciably altered
resulting in inaugural transmuting of core truth
Sound emission then elevated to wailing
titrated to 55%
Lacrimation now approached epidemic
The basement level was transversed again
alighting at Chrome Dome
where augmented visual observation commenced
Chrome Dome established 3 key conclusions:
1 The crying face was actually endearing
2 Visual observation honored annihilation connect
3 The connect was linked to the 12 year old boy
Chrome Dome identified 3 key questions:
1 Did you like me before you died?
2 Did you like me before I was asked to leave?
3 Did I like myself in context of each relationship?
An intense empirical experiment
in the transmutation of archival truth
through biochemical lacrimation release
Do - Pa - Mine
Do - Wail - Mine
Do - It - Mine
Chrome Dome ❚❚