Serious Ramper Can Man
I'm a serious ramper can man
I've got a serious ramper can plan
▽ cans◹
▽ the◹
▽ all◹
▽ up◹
I plan to ramp◹
and aim them at 49 double decker fusses
lined up in The People's Radium Stadium
[Radium 88Ra]
[Atomic mass # 226]
[Heat of fusion 8.5 kJ/mol]
Then The Blue Bus
and Me
we'll clear the bleedin lot of them
The Blue Bus
and Me
arcing through the gawped sky
Tracked by grounded hopers
who foresaw all four
in a glide slope anomaly
Tracked by grounded spiters
who strained for the plummet
of this blink of flesh
[that I currently am]
Tracked by our silvery white vapoured chorus
trailing through the lent air
into the rarest opportunity
to amass
at this atomic reunion
So long
since we were together
The Blue Bus
and Me
At our birth
What a ramp of cans
What a ramper plan
To soar through our billionth form
In love with the billion born
that We were
that We are
that We will be