Mr Big


Mr Big


the Global Wig Industry reports

                The Big cut is irreplicable in a piece

                The street cobra mullet

                the Greasy Joe arrows


                they’re simply leaving

                international syrup stylists

                pulling their hair out

Big's just that Big

Mr Big

if he welded

                he'd weld MIG

                he'd weld TIG


                He could ARC

                he could Lazer-hybrid

                or Electroslag

But fuck that

Big's just that Big

Mr Big

he could smoke a Cig

He could smoke


               Silk Cut

And in the style of Chuck D

               He could ask for 20 Embassy Number 1

               then smoke the lot

Wow what a smoker

Big's just that Big

In this lifetime Gig

on this rolling Rig

                             [at times a Pig]

      we purely Dig

                 our Mighty

                 our Loving

                 our Mr Big

It's a Watkins thang




Iano ►

Beautiful Bun ►

Mr Big

Tony Slattery ►


Coventry ►